Training A Dog Not To Jump
If you are a dog owner then it has likely happened to you, someone comes over to visit and you cannot stop your dog from jumping all over them. This can be pretty embarrassing and very annoying too. You may feel helpless and not know what to do but the truth is that your dog can be trained not to behave this way. If you are consistent, with a few simple dog training tips your dog will stop jumping forever. Dogs jump for a few different reasons. One reason that they jump is because they want to show that they are dominant, to welcome people, and to be rewarded.
Here is the problem with these three causes for why dogs jump, first, if your dog is trying to establish that he is the dominant one you have to nip this in the bud. Remember that by nature dogs run in packs and once your dog has established himself as the alpha dog he can become bellicose and much more problematic to train.
If your dog is jumping to greet people or to be rewarded then it is possible or even likely that you have rewarded your dog in the past for jumping. You may not even be aware that you have done this and maybe when you came home your dog jumped up on the couch to greet you and you felt bad for being gone so you gave him a treat or fed him. This sends a message to your dog that jumping is alright.
So now the question is how can you stop or correct this behavior? The good news is that it is not too late! Start with not paying any attention to your dog when you first get home. Wait at least 15 minutes before you say anything to him. Initially, he will still jump and whine to get your attention but you can divert his attention and he will stop. He will get used to this if you are consistent and you can use the same techniques with guests when they come over. Reward your dog when he shows the behavior that you want but not when he is jumping and whining.
Ideally, you want to train a dog to understand the "sit" command. Once he knows that when you order him to sit and he does, that he will be rewarded you will have a much easier time getting him to stay off of you, your company, and your furniture.
Here is the problem with these three causes for why dogs jump, first, if your dog is trying to establish that he is the dominant one you have to nip this in the bud. Remember that by nature dogs run in packs and once your dog has established himself as the alpha dog he can become bellicose and much more problematic to train.
If your dog is jumping to greet people or to be rewarded then it is possible or even likely that you have rewarded your dog in the past for jumping. You may not even be aware that you have done this and maybe when you came home your dog jumped up on the couch to greet you and you felt bad for being gone so you gave him a treat or fed him. This sends a message to your dog that jumping is alright.
So now the question is how can you stop or correct this behavior? The good news is that it is not too late! Start with not paying any attention to your dog when you first get home. Wait at least 15 minutes before you say anything to him. Initially, he will still jump and whine to get your attention but you can divert his attention and he will stop. He will get used to this if you are consistent and you can use the same techniques with guests when they come over. Reward your dog when he shows the behavior that you want but not when he is jumping and whining.
Ideally, you want to train a dog to understand the "sit" command. Once he knows that when you order him to sit and he does, that he will be rewarded you will have a much easier time getting him to stay off of you, your company, and your furniture.