Health & Medical Women's Health

All Process of Egg Donation

When a country offers such a careful and emotional process, there is substantial questioning about exactly how, the medical treatment, the legalities and the process that will be followed for both egg donors and recipients.
Egg donation in South Africa is facilitated by trained and professional ethical people who fully understand and empathize with the emotional dynamics for both egg donor and recipient.
Rest assured egg donation in South Africa is completely safe and done with full medical care and under professional guidance.
Whilst the legislation in this regad has not yet been promulgated, due care is given to the anticipated legislation as well as to the consent of both egg donor and recipient.
Egg donors in South Africa are carefully screened in terms of undergoing a thorough interview to confirm their responsibility and maturity to proceed with the actual egg donation.
They then have hormone blood tests on day two or three of their menstrual cycle after having come off necessary contraceptives.
A medical being a scan - will confirm that the uterus and ovaries are in good condition for the actual process.
The egg donor is then matched up to a recipient - in terms of physical traits as far as possible.
This allocation is discussed and confirmed with the recipient who gives consent to the donor's profile.
The co-ordination of egg donor and recipient's cycles is by using the pill - to get both parties exactly at the same place - menstrually.
Egg donors are stimulated to produce eggs and follicles from day two until they ovulate.
This process is carefully monitored by medical professionals who are experts in this delicate field.
During the same time, the recipient's body is prepared for pregnancy to ensure that when the embryos - from the donated eggs are transferred - she has an optimal chance of conception.
Egg donors remain completely anonymous and have no further resposibility after the actual egg retrieval process.
Egg donation in South Africa allocates full parental rights and obligations to the recipient.
In this way, it provides a safe and fulfilling experience for all parties.
Egg donors are assured that they have no further partental responsibilities, whilest egg donor recipients obtain the assurance that the child conceived is in fact theirs.

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