Technology Electronics

W2S Solutions - Mobility Solution Provider

We have developed customized iPhone based mobile application, BlackBerry Mobile Application, Android and Windows based mobile application solutions.

Logistics Mobile App Development

Home Maintenance Services:
An ideal for home maintenance services company. You can give this app to your customers so that they can just use this to reach and convey the exact issue they have at home with a picture. It's all just a few clicks. Get in touch with us Visit our site

Logistics & Delivery Services:
Best for Logistics and Courier companies. How about a smart app for your delivery guy who can not only update the delivery status as soon as he delivers a courier but also attach a scan copy of delivery receipt from the end customer. Is'nt it cool? Contact us to learn more.

Field Sales Services:
Giving sales quotations in real time is something that every business wish to do. And we have enabled this by creating solutions for your field sales guy who can exchange the work scope from the field, connect with back- office and give quotation to customer in real time. Contact us to experience this.

Blackberry & Android Application Development:

Card2Contact App:

Meeting new people is one of life's most rewarding experiences. However, it isn't always easy to exchange contact information, upload business card details into your smartphone, and keep in touch after an initial meeting.

How many business cards have you collected alone? Probably hundreds! But can you always remember:
• Where you met? 
• To add them into your smartphone address book?
• And then follow up with them?

Card2Contact makes these tasks easier than ever before. The next time you receive a business card, quickly take a picture with the app and we'll take care of the rest.

Card2Contact is a patent pending mobile app that shows everything about your contacts right inside your smartphone. Whenever you receive a business card or meet a new contact, all you have to do is to take a picture of the business card. Card2Contact app converts business card into address book contact, integrates your contact with your calendar to remember when and where you met the contact, lets you add notes, view rich contact profiles and follow-up with contacts to convert into Sales. You will never miss a contact anymore! Contact info[@] to know more our projects and capabilities! 
Beta Sign up Available on Google Play and Blackberry App World. Full version will be launching soon.

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