Health & Medical Skin Conditions & Dermatology

Symptoms of Baby Eczema


    • Small red bumps may appear on the skin. Because they are often itchy, and it is difficult to keep a baby from scratching, they might begin to ooze and crust over.


    • Patches of scaly skin may erupt. These red, pink or brownish-gray marks are only slightly raised and usually react well to 1 percent hydrocortisone cream.


    • Itchy spots may become dry and flaky. Try not to bathe baby more than once a day and keep bath water lukewarm. Don't let baby bathe for more than 15 minutes at a time.


    • Long periods of time in strollers and car seats can aggravate eczema symptoms on a baby's back. Try to limit her time in them to keep sweat from building up on her back and scalp.


    • Do not confuse eczema with the fungal infection ringworm. Ringworm, while relatively harmless, can spread. Treatment is much different, and it is contagious to others.

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