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Weapons Used by the Navy SEALs


    • The Heckler & Koch MK23 Mod O .45 Caliber SOCOM pistol and the M11 Sig Sauer P228 are the standard-issue SEAL handguns. When fitted with a silencer, the MK23 is reportedly so quiet that its only sound is the click of the firing action.

    Assault Rifles

    • The standard issue SEAL assault rifle is the M4A1 SOPMOD, a modified version of the M16A2 assault rifle. As of 2009, the M4A1 is undergoing an extensive "Integrated Carbine" upgrade, which includes improvements to its optical and laser sights.

    Sniper Rifles

    • SEALs use three sniper rifles. The most common are the 7.62mm M14 and MK11 Mod 0 rifles. These are supplemented by the extremely powerful M82A1 .50 caliber rifle, which is used against explosive devices and light vehicles.

    Submachine Guns

    • Like many Special Forces units, SEALs use the Heckler & Koch MP5. This 9mm submachine gun is extremely accurate and highly customizable.

    Heavy Weapons

    • SEALs also have access to support weapons such as the M60E3 machine gun, M203 40mm grenade launcher, M224 60mm mortar and M136 AT4 anti-tank rocket. These weapons are issued as dictated by mission requirements.

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