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If You Have A Good Close Friend Be Loyal To That Person In a Day When Loyalty Is Scarce

Who is your best friend?We all need a friend.
Someone we can trust totally - and of course that means that the friend has to be able to rely upon you utterly too.
Friendship is two way, and lasting loyal relationships are becoming quite scarce.
Let me explain more fully.
In Acts Chapter 9, in the New Testament, when Saul of Tarsus was confronted by the Risen and Living Lord Jesus Christ outside the city of Damascus, he was totally changed and transformed.
When he wrote later this he says that when we come to Jesus Christ, we become a new creation, and Paul certainly knew what he was talking about.
He had gone out of Jerusalem filled with hate and he was determined to destroy every believer in Jesus Christ.
Boy, that is strong hate!He was knocked off his horse and he met the Jesus whom he did not believe existed.
He was led into Damascus - blind - and spent three days praying and fasting.
For three days he eats nothing, and drinks no water.
Praying and fasting can create an atmosphere in which Jesus can speak.
What is he praying?Can we probe that prayer?"Forgive me for what I have done and said and been.
"Saul had been out to destroy every disciple of Jesus Christ.
He did not believe that Jesus was risen from the dead and alive - or, did he?We do know that what he had believed and what he had been in did not bring him peace.
Saul had met those who had been with the historic Jesus.
Saul had to reckon with the lives of those disciples of Jesus, who were so brave when under persecution, and were so absolutely convinced that they had found the truth.
Saul was present when Stephen died and the consequences of what was prayed that day are now producing fruit.
Saul needed a friend to help him, and ensure that he was properly 'born again'.
Jesus is preparing Ananias.
Saul is a broken man.
Make no mistake about that.
Saul's promising career has suddenly crashed.
What we are reading of here is revolution.
God was taking the initiative.
This was no overheated unbalanced imagination.
Saul in one sense is dead.
Three days often speaks of death.
Who else spent 3 days silent and alone - but Jesus?Saul is dead to his old ways.
He realises that his former philosophy and religious life has gone for good.
Is this why he never again fears death?Saul knows what it is to die and live again.
In another part of Damascus, a man called Ananias is being prepared.
Jesus speaks to Ananias, "Go to the house of Judas and minister to Saul is his sheer need.
"Ananias reacts by telling Jesus all about Saul.
These people in Damascus knew Saul.
They knew why he had come and what he was up to.
Ananias had heard of why he had come to Damascus and this was not going to be a friendly visit.
Saul has arrived with a warrant to seek and search and arrest and imprison.
The Church of Jesus Christ was worried and afraid, and it had every reason to be.
Saul was a violent man, but Jesus intervenes.
Jesus reassures Ananias, "Go - it is safe - you will be all right - he is MINE now - I have chosen him.
He is going to take My Name to the gentiles - before kings - even to the people of Israel.
"It is as if Jesus sees what is in Ananias's mind - "I know you think he should suffer a little for all the havoc he has caused.
He will, but not in the way you think.
He will do great things, and he will suffer.
Again, we see something here from which we might wish to recoil.
We might wish to do great things for God, but we naturally shrink from having to suffer.
Normally, it has to be both in some form or another.
"Ananias - Go - Saul is blind and kneeling and helpless, but praying.
" When you become a believer in Jesus, you need a friend.
This is vital.
You need a sensitive and sensible fellow-disciple to help, assist, minister and encourage and lead and guide - perhaps even to explain what it is all about.
It is never enough just to look to Jesus.
Each of us needs 'an Ananias', and that is why Jesus places us in The Church - in the fellowship - where help can be given and received.
Ministry is always a two way thing.
We receive and we give.
There may be someone waiting for you to be their 'Ananias' in their hour of need.
Now that could be really exciting! Sandy Shaw

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