How to Last Longer in Bed for Men by Using Memory Trigger
If you have been searching on the internet looking for a solution on how to last longer in bed for men, I am sure you have come across many 'scam' that offer such a solution.
You know what I am taking about don't you.
There are pills that claim to fix your problem or a very special penis ring that you suppose to put on just before sexual intercourse or special condoms that will numb your penis.
Men buy into this because they think that these 'things' are going to fix their problem.
This is a mistake because the solution is not outside of them.
There is nothing wrong with your body, it is just that you are doing certain things before and during the sexual act that causes premature ejaculation.
By simply correcting these mistakes you will be able to last longer in bed naturally.
Yes, it is possible.
You need to know what action you have to do before and during sexual intercourse.
You need to do this consistently and make it a habit so much so that you do them naturally every time you have sex.
Remember, practice makes perfect.
One of the technique of how to last longer in bed for men is by using past memory to trigger positive emotions and remove anxiety.
This is one step you can take to improve your ejaculation control.
Go back to a time you had a great sexual encounter where you last much longer in bed than you do now.
Come on, try harder.
I am sure there is at one that left an impression on you.
When you think of that incident or moment, than have a think about what made that sexual encounter different.
What method did you use, what position or positions were you doing? What kind of foreplay were you engaging in? Was it a long or short foreplay? How did you thrust, was it quick or slow? Did your partner do something different? Maybe you can suggest to her to do it again.
What were your thoughts during the sexual act, what pictures were going through your head? Were you focusing on anything particular? Was there any dirty talk? Find out what was different and turned you on so much that you manage to last longer than usual.
Use this same thoughts, position or technique that's worked for you in the past and incorporate them now in your sexual intercourse.
How to last longer in bed for men does not necessarily require you to learn new styles and fancy gadgets.
Trust me, it is far easier to do something you already know that works well for you before.
A word or warning, men often sabotage themselves by worrying about their sexual performance in bed.
They wonder if their performance is good, what does his partner thinks of him, is his partner enjoying the sexual act.
This will release stress hormones which in turn will trigger premature ejaculation.
Tips and tricks on how to last longer in bed for men is now available.
You know what I am taking about don't you.
There are pills that claim to fix your problem or a very special penis ring that you suppose to put on just before sexual intercourse or special condoms that will numb your penis.
Men buy into this because they think that these 'things' are going to fix their problem.
This is a mistake because the solution is not outside of them.
There is nothing wrong with your body, it is just that you are doing certain things before and during the sexual act that causes premature ejaculation.
By simply correcting these mistakes you will be able to last longer in bed naturally.
Yes, it is possible.
You need to know what action you have to do before and during sexual intercourse.
You need to do this consistently and make it a habit so much so that you do them naturally every time you have sex.
Remember, practice makes perfect.
One of the technique of how to last longer in bed for men is by using past memory to trigger positive emotions and remove anxiety.
This is one step you can take to improve your ejaculation control.
Go back to a time you had a great sexual encounter where you last much longer in bed than you do now.
Come on, try harder.
I am sure there is at one that left an impression on you.
When you think of that incident or moment, than have a think about what made that sexual encounter different.
What method did you use, what position or positions were you doing? What kind of foreplay were you engaging in? Was it a long or short foreplay? How did you thrust, was it quick or slow? Did your partner do something different? Maybe you can suggest to her to do it again.
What were your thoughts during the sexual act, what pictures were going through your head? Were you focusing on anything particular? Was there any dirty talk? Find out what was different and turned you on so much that you manage to last longer than usual.
Use this same thoughts, position or technique that's worked for you in the past and incorporate them now in your sexual intercourse.
How to last longer in bed for men does not necessarily require you to learn new styles and fancy gadgets.
Trust me, it is far easier to do something you already know that works well for you before.
A word or warning, men often sabotage themselves by worrying about their sexual performance in bed.
They wonder if their performance is good, what does his partner thinks of him, is his partner enjoying the sexual act.
This will release stress hormones which in turn will trigger premature ejaculation.
Tips and tricks on how to last longer in bed for men is now available.