Business & Finance Loans

Financial Aid - Single Moms Cash In On Stimulus Package

Did you know that if you happen to be a single mom, or even just a woman living in the United States for that matter, you are positioned to receive additional and unique financial assistance from the US Government?

For example, single moms in particular have been the target of several recent legislative motives to improve the financial future of those women seeking to balance raising their children and managing an income. It should be noted as well that the range of financial aid can range from aid to buy a home, to go back to school, to start a business, or even to help pay everyday bills.

If you're interested in obtaining federal financial aid either through grants or loans, take the next couple of hours you have available and become familiar with the sorts of financial aid that may be available to you. Here's what I recommend as a quick action plan:

1. Find websites that specialize in Financial Aid information to help separate fact from fiction.

2. Join forums and bulletin boards that allow contributors of like mind to share best practices and ease the learning curve.

3. Be sure to never let the red tape associated with applications become a deterrent. This is time well spent in terms of return on investment.

At this point, you'll have a good grasp on the different types of financial aid made available to single moms and women in general. Now it's time to make sure you understand the difference between a grant and a loan. A loan is by definition money that must be paid back. Whereas Grant funds are given free of any obligation to repay.

If possible, grants should be the first financial aid pursued, and thankfully, they come in almost any category of need. Housing, health, transportation, education, business and commerce are just a few of the more popular niches you can find grants available for financial aid. So this leads to the obvious question. Just who is allowed to apply for a grant?

Who can apply for a grant?

If you are a US citizen or are a foreign national that has lived in the US for at least the last three years, you are eligible to apply for a grant. Now I would be remiss if I didn't offer a word of caution to be careful for scams. Unfortunately, this "free money from the government" industry has a bad reputation of being one where many capitalize on the needs of others. Always check sources against the US Government websites and if you feel skeptical about any financial aid opportunity, bring others into the decision making process.

There is money available to you, but you must initiate and take action. Act now while the new stimulus package and financial guidelines are in place to help ensure your needs are met.

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