Home & Garden Gardening

Basil Plant Size

    Size at Maturity

    • Depending on the variety and the growing conditions, a single basil plant may grow to a height of 2 1/2 feet and spread about equally wide. Basil grows quite well in containers, making it an excellent choice for patio or window-box herb gardens. To allow your basil room to grow, simply opt for a large pot. If planting it directly in the earth, allow 2 to 3 feet between rows and 6 to 12 inches between individual plants within the row. Because of their relatively small size, basil plants do not require any staking or supports.


    • Particularly in cooler climates, it's helpful to start basil in greenhouses and then transplant them outdoors once temperatures start to climb. Once the plants reach a height of 4 to 5 inches, you can instigate branching by topping them off, that is, cutting off the central, uppermost shoot. At the ideal transplanting time, after four to six weeks of growth, basil plants will typically measure around 6 inches tall.

    Plant Parts

    • The basil plant is best known for its bright green leaves, with a slightly puckered form and smooth edges. Typically these leaves are harvested while bright green, with whole stems plucked at once. The leaves along the stem range greatly in size, with small, immature leaves at the tip of the stalk and the oldest growth toward the base. On average, a leaf measures around 1 1/2 inches in length. Should you allow a basil plant to form flowers, it will produce tiny blossoms that range in color from white to lavender.


    • When harvested, an acre of basil plants will provide anywhere from 6 to 10 tons of fresh leaves. Alternately, the same area of crops will produce between 1 and 3 tons of the herb in its dried form. If you grow basil on a smaller scale for your own use, you can pluck off the terminal 2- to 3-inch section of the stem, lined with the fragrant leaves. Do this once or twice a week, depending on your plant's growth; the plant will replenish your supply regularly for a continuous supply of the herb.

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