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HHO Gas Generator - Learn How it Can Increase Gas Mileage 40%!

What is an HHO Gas Generator? Simple, It's a device you put into your car which will take everyday water then turn it into a gas called HHO, which stands for 2 parts Hydrogen and 1 part Oxygen.
How Can HHO Increase My Mileage? HHO burns very well, in fact it has been used in items such a lamps and lanterns for over 100 years! It can increase you gas mileage by installing an HHO gas generator into your car, it will feed the gas into your engine causing you to burn less gasoline while getting just as much power out of your vehicle therefor going the same distance on less gasoline, possibly increasing gas mileage up to 40% or more! How Does It Create The Gas And Is It Safe? I can assure you it is very safe and it works by basically running a wire from the device to your battery.
What happens is when you turn your car on it sends a current through the wire which runs through the water you have in the device, the current causes the Hydrogen and Oxygen to separate creating HHO.
The gas will rise to the top of the container, there you'll have a tube which will run into your engine and allow the HHO to be burnt along with gasoline.
Is The Gas Bad For Me Or My Car HHO burns much better than gasoline does making it much more healthy for you and your car! How Do I Get My Own HHO Gas Generator? They are actually very easy to make, there are many guides on how to do it yourself, it is very simple and can be made and installed into your car in a matter of hours.

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