Health & Medical Skin Conditions & Dermatology

Video: Causes of Flaking Facial Skin

Video Transcript

Hi, my name is Risha Rox and I'm a makeup artiest. Today, I'm going to talk with you about why your skin may be flaking. There are a number of reasons for flaky skin and I'm going to go over some of the major ones and help you out with that. Number one diet and water. Are you drinking eight to twelve glasses of water a day? If not you may be dehydrated and the result is that your skin may be flaking also if your not eating a nutrient rich diet this could have negative impact on your skin. One of which could be flaking. Number two irritation. Irritation to your skin could come from really hot water which you shouldn't use you should be using lukewarm water. Harsh facial cleansers if your skin is sensitive find a gentle cleanser that works for you or just use Pond's Cold Cream and avoid soap all together. Also acne treatments if you are using an acme treatment and it's causing your skin to flake you should exfoliate really regularly. We all exfoliate really regularly but you particularly should because you want to help the cell turn over which will cause the skin to not flake as much. Number three your skin could be flaking because of sunburn if your prone to sunburn you should defiantly be using sunscreen every day. You can use it in your moisturizer or you can apply it directly if your going to be in direct sunlight. If your skin is particularly prone to burning, you shouldn't even be in direct sunlight. Know your skins limits and stay within them in order to not have flaky skin. And number four and number four reason for having flaking skin is skin conditions which are common, like psoriasis or eczema. If you suffer from one of these conditions you should go to your dermatologist and they can give you some thing that will help with that. Also there are over the counter hydrocortisone products like this that can help you if your condition is not too bad. This will eliminate flaking in a matter of days if you use it regularly. My name is Risha Rox, and I've just discussed with you how to avoid flaking skin.

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