Health & Medical Parenting

Internet Parenting 101

Internet parenting is a foreign subject to most parents.
Our Internet kids today tend to have such an advantage over most adults when it comes to computers and technology in general.
Parents feel they have no control so they just allow their teens to surf the Internet without any restrictions or rules.
Perhaps they don't know what to restrict, or even how to restrict the Internet.
What parents do not realize is that restricting Internet usage is far easier than restricting most other things in a teens life.
Also, you can have the added advantage of monitoring your child while they are in their 'Internet haven'.
You cannot monitor your child when they are at the movies or at a concert.
However, when they are on line you can, if you want, see and read everything they do.
Who cares if you do not understand how it works, the important thing is to know that the technology is avaialbe for a not so tech savvy parent to know everyhitng that their kids are doing on the internet.
Also with the Internet it's easy to put time limits on it's usage.
You can buy a 3rd party program or just pull the plug when you don't want it to be used.
Internet parenting can be so simple while it's technology can seem so overwhelming.
The technology is amazing but restricting it is easy.
Now, getting involved can be more difficult but in the long run is a much better method.
Try sitting down with your child and let them show you their site, their friends and pictures.
Allow them to brag a little on the background they made or the scrolling text box they put up.
Have them show you other sites they like and maybe some they don't like.
Ask questions, show interest in their site.
At the same time find out who they are talking to, see what their friends are saying to them and what they are saying to their friends.
Three important things you can do as a Parent with kids on line * Review their site daily.
* Install monitoring and or filtering software.
* Get involved.
By reviewing their site daily you are doing 2 things.
They know you will see their site so it should stay appropriate.
They also know that their friends cannot send them inappropriate comments or pictures.
Installing monitoring andor filtering software is a must.
You can not allow Internet usage to continue without some type of tool to protect your kids from on line filth, and to protect them from themselves.
The single most important thing a parent can do is to get involved.
If you want your kids to use the Internetsafely and responsibly then you need to pay attention to their usage of it.
Letting kids run buck wild online is just out of the question anymore.
Remember, our tech savvy teens with all of their computer skills can be stopped in a heartbeat by the yank of a plug.

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