Health & Medical Women's Health

The Athena Pelvic Muscle Trainer - How it Works

The Athena Pelvic Muscle Trainer is one of the new generation of pelvic exercisers aimed at taking the tedium out of doing kegel exercises.
Many women suffer from incontinence caused by a weakened pelvic floor.
This can be as a result of childbirth, weight gain, the menopause or aging.
If you have gone through the process of trying to do kegel exercises, you will no doubt appreciate how difficult it can be to get results.
It's no wonder really.
Many women have pelvic floors which are weakened so badly that they cannot feel the clenching sensation which they are trying to achieve.
This leads to disillusionment and most women give up.
In addition, even if done rigorously and correctly, it can take many months before even small improvements are noticed.
So for many, life becomes an endless round of toilet stops and incontinence products.
In addition to this, many women notice a decline in their sexual response and sensitivity around the vagina when things are not as tight as they used to be! The Athena Pelvic Muscle Trainer works by sending gentle electronic stimulation directly to the correct muscles which you need to exercise to both prevent and cure incontinence.
The Athena is a wireless device which means that it can be used very discreetly, You simply insert the tampon-sized probe into the vagina, and program the hand-held device-it's as simple as that.
You can be exercising your pelvic floor whilst watching TV, whilst eating your breakfast or whilst simply relaxing.
It is an extremely comfortable device to use and there is no doubt that the wireless feature makes it an attractive option when comparing it to the alternatives.
By sending the completely painless electrical impulses to the weakened muscles, the Athena Pelvic can deliver the equivalent of thousands of kegel squeezes in just one short, ten minute session.
If, like me, you have gone through the process of trying to tighten things up by "squeezing" you will know how difficult it is to do even a hundred in ten minutes, let alone thousands! This is the key to why the Athena Pelvic Muscle Trainer works so well.
Not only can it deliver the correct number of "squeezes" required to achieve real change, but it ensures that only the correct muscles are worked-leaving no room for error.
In addition, it is so simple to use that once inserted, you need not give it another thought whilst you sit relaxing or watching TV.

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