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Collaborating with Shawnee Smith: ?There was a lot of talk about story with Shawnee, but the blessing for me always is when you get on the set. You can talk all you want and you can plan all you want, but when you get on the set and the camera is rolling, if the individual that you are working with is present and available, then you can connect. And something magical can happen from moment to moment in terms of how the relationship reads, the familiarity, the intimacy.

What I like about this saga is that you don?t find out everything about everybody all at once. I like that. I particularly like that I can speak about Jigsaw, there are little things that you find out about him in Saw II, about what he?s thinking about and what?s on his mind.

The Best Laid Plans of Mice and Jigsaw: Jigsaw?s traps are well planned, yet there?s always the possibility of something going wrong. Bell says he believes the character always has a back-up plan ready should one of his tortures not go off as planned. ?My sense is that he?s so detail oriented that if something [goes wrong], I think he thinks in terms of worst case scenario. I think he?s a very good judge of character, so his sense that, for example, that Detective Matthews [in Saw II] was going to play right into his trap, which he did, was right on.

It seems to me that he?s got Plan 2 always in place. And there?s probably been a number of Plan 2s. I mean, we?ve only seen three movies. Maybe there are six more somewhere where he failed, where something didn?t play out, where something [went wrong].

Maybe it was before Saw 1 when he first started to try to do something, and he saw that he was completely off base and it didn?t work. I think he?s resourceful and resilient enough, and he knows that life is not perfect. He knows that.

I don't think he?s judgmental, although it might seem like he is. I think he just picks and chooses very specific situations and he does his absolute best to deal with those situations. [spoiler deleted] It isn?t always easy for him is what I?m saying. I think what it kind of leads to for me is that I am still learning about him in terms of his thoughts, why he?s doing the things that he does. I?ve asked a lot of questions about him. I started asking the questions here. The questions just keep growing and growing and growing. The same as you don?t know everything about him, I don?t know everything about him either. I know a lot about him, but I don?t know everything about him. As the story continues to be told, I think I?ll learn more about him. I think those issues that those 15-year-olds are resonating with them, hopefully we can continue the excitement of the films and still continue to raise questions to make young people think.?

Speaking of Continuing the Excitement: Are there plans to do more Saw films? Bell responded, ?There is always a possibility of more. Whether I?m involved or not involved is up to people that? I?m not thinking about anything beyond Saw III being well received by those group of kids on their skateboards. If it is and there?s opportunity for us to grow the story on a first class level, a quality level, I would be very happy as an actor to be able to continue to play this character - if he can continue to grow.?

In the Works ? Decoys 2 and Buried Alive: ?[In Decoys 2] I play this professor who is a very interesting guy, science guy, biologist, kind of a very distinguished mentor to some of these college students. And in Buried Alive I play a guy who is a groundskeeper, a Vietnam veteran groundskeeper at a lodge. And these college students come to this lodge. The lodge is owned by the father of one of the college students. It?s a very funny film in a certain way. This guy lives in a trailer on the property, he?s a Vietnam veteran, kind of an odd fellow, kind of like a housepainter. He?s not the sort who?s that welcoming to this group of college students who come to this lodge. He?s used to being there by himself taking care of it, and he?d just as soon keep it that way. Anyway, Buried Alive is a little scary but also a comedy at the same time.?

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