Correct Way of Handling and Dealing with Click Beetles
There are over 900 different varieties of click beetles and dealing with them can be tricky, as these beetles are very acrobatic. Place one on its back and it will produce a clicking noise and literally flip into the air to turn over. They are harmless to humans and animals, but can damage crops such as corn.This insect usually thrive in cold areas like in United States.
Life Cycle
These beetles begin life as larvae called wireworms. These larvae can be destructive to crops as they eat the roots of plants, including corn. The wireworms live on the ground and will go through several molts before becoming adults. Some variety will actually go through two generations in one summer, while other species will take several years to mature into an adult. The adult beetles are harmless to humans and pets, though some species eat aphids and can be used as natural pest control. They prefer to live in wooded areas where they can find decaying bark and soil. People who live near farms that regularly grow corn or near a wooded area may experience an infestation of these beetles.
Keeping Beetles Out
Click beetles rang in size from ¼ inch to 1-½ inches in length. They are attracted to light and may be accidentally carried into the home on pets or people. Generally they are more active at night and most species walk rather than fly to get around. Keep porch lights and other outdoor lighting turned off to avoid attracting them at night. If the outdoor lights need to be on, keep doors shut so they are not able to get inside. When windows are kept open they may be attracted to the lights on inside. Make sure all screens on windows are in good repair so there are not any openings for them to use to get inside.
These insects become active in the spring after being dormant all winter. Click beetles feed on nectar, pollen, flowers and aphids as adults. The larvae feed on roots, seeds and some species will eat small soil animals. Moles, shrews, bats, toads and insect eating birds in turn eat them.
Insecticide Option
If these beetles are found inside the house simply brush them off into your hand and take them outside. They are completely harmless and will not bite, sting or otherwise attack humans. If there is a large infestation close to the home the application of an insecticide may be needed to control the population. The same sprays that effect cutworms will kill Click Beetles. Read the package carefully before choosing an insecticide to ensure it is designed for cutworms. Follow the directions for application of the product.
Click beetles are an interesting insect and can be fun to study. They are not considered pests in the same way insects such as mosquitoes, ants and cockroaches are classified. Some can be used as natural predators for aphids where there is an infestation of that insect. Turn one on its back and watch its reaction, before taking it back outside to its natural habitat.
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Life Cycle
These beetles begin life as larvae called wireworms. These larvae can be destructive to crops as they eat the roots of plants, including corn. The wireworms live on the ground and will go through several molts before becoming adults. Some variety will actually go through two generations in one summer, while other species will take several years to mature into an adult. The adult beetles are harmless to humans and pets, though some species eat aphids and can be used as natural pest control. They prefer to live in wooded areas where they can find decaying bark and soil. People who live near farms that regularly grow corn or near a wooded area may experience an infestation of these beetles.
Keeping Beetles Out
Click beetles rang in size from ¼ inch to 1-½ inches in length. They are attracted to light and may be accidentally carried into the home on pets or people. Generally they are more active at night and most species walk rather than fly to get around. Keep porch lights and other outdoor lighting turned off to avoid attracting them at night. If the outdoor lights need to be on, keep doors shut so they are not able to get inside. When windows are kept open they may be attracted to the lights on inside. Make sure all screens on windows are in good repair so there are not any openings for them to use to get inside.
These insects become active in the spring after being dormant all winter. Click beetles feed on nectar, pollen, flowers and aphids as adults. The larvae feed on roots, seeds and some species will eat small soil animals. Moles, shrews, bats, toads and insect eating birds in turn eat them.
Insecticide Option
If these beetles are found inside the house simply brush them off into your hand and take them outside. They are completely harmless and will not bite, sting or otherwise attack humans. If there is a large infestation close to the home the application of an insecticide may be needed to control the population. The same sprays that effect cutworms will kill Click Beetles. Read the package carefully before choosing an insecticide to ensure it is designed for cutworms. Follow the directions for application of the product.
Click beetles are an interesting insect and can be fun to study. They are not considered pests in the same way insects such as mosquitoes, ants and cockroaches are classified. Some can be used as natural predators for aphids where there is an infestation of that insect. Turn one on its back and watch its reaction, before taking it back outside to its natural habitat.
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