Using Three Martial Arts Concepts To Survive A Mob Attack!
I watch the idiot box, and it is plain that these mobsters in Libya and Egypt and places like that don't know any martial arts techniques. I mean, I don't expect to see tournament fighting, or an MMA takedown, but I don't see much of anything!
I don't see a fake move and quick step to the side. I don't see a block and strike...followed by a run in another direction. I don't even see a roll or break fall when some poor fool is thrown down on the street!
Now, there are three important items to remember when you get caught in a mob. If you follow these three advices you will survive the incident. The three things are easy to remember, and easy to put into action.
First, you don't want to go near a mob. When you see a bunch of people yelling and making threatening actions, find another avenue and make your way out of that part of town. At worst, and this is going to crack you up, do some yelling and shouting with them, face in the same direction, and back slowly up!
I'm not making a joke! If you act like you are part of the mob, and simply move in the direction that is best for you, without appearing to be running away, the mob won't notice you! This is one of those slap your head fool things that people would never think of, but really works.
Second, don't go near the cops, or whatever military bunch is trying to run things. The truth is that they don't control anything...until they start using to deadly force, and you don't want to stick around for that! So when you hear loud noises, people screaming, and see smoke filling the street, head the other way.
Now, with the martial arts, remember, you are not trying to win a fight, you are trying to evade, avoid, so the best thing to do is use your feet to move around and parry. If you find you are moving towards someone, when they react, go in another direction. What you want to do is move so that people get in between you and your attacker(s), because they will start fighting each other, and while they are beating on each other you can get away.
Look, it's nice to talk about the one punch one kill, and the man to man duel, but being in a mob is utter insanity, and there is often no point to that insanity. So, use your martial arts techniques to stay cool, avoid people and evade fights, and escape the situation. That's the best way to survive, in even the worst of circumstances.
I don't see a fake move and quick step to the side. I don't see a block and strike...followed by a run in another direction. I don't even see a roll or break fall when some poor fool is thrown down on the street!
Now, there are three important items to remember when you get caught in a mob. If you follow these three advices you will survive the incident. The three things are easy to remember, and easy to put into action.
First, you don't want to go near a mob. When you see a bunch of people yelling and making threatening actions, find another avenue and make your way out of that part of town. At worst, and this is going to crack you up, do some yelling and shouting with them, face in the same direction, and back slowly up!
I'm not making a joke! If you act like you are part of the mob, and simply move in the direction that is best for you, without appearing to be running away, the mob won't notice you! This is one of those slap your head fool things that people would never think of, but really works.
Second, don't go near the cops, or whatever military bunch is trying to run things. The truth is that they don't control anything...until they start using to deadly force, and you don't want to stick around for that! So when you hear loud noises, people screaming, and see smoke filling the street, head the other way.
Now, with the martial arts, remember, you are not trying to win a fight, you are trying to evade, avoid, so the best thing to do is use your feet to move around and parry. If you find you are moving towards someone, when they react, go in another direction. What you want to do is move so that people get in between you and your attacker(s), because they will start fighting each other, and while they are beating on each other you can get away.
Look, it's nice to talk about the one punch one kill, and the man to man duel, but being in a mob is utter insanity, and there is often no point to that insanity. So, use your martial arts techniques to stay cool, avoid people and evade fights, and escape the situation. That's the best way to survive, in even the worst of circumstances.