Technology Technology

Why to Transfer Floppy Disks Now!

In the new age of Macs, PCs, cell phone technology, Kindles, and iPods, it's no wonder people are getting confused. Which is why you should transfer floppy disks now, before technology changes so much, you will have missed your chance.

There is a portable device for every single one of your daily needs and a devices that do all of them for you in one. You've seen those people in the coffee shops or on busses that have 8 different devices to fill their needs. They have a cell phone that plays music, an iPod that text, a Kindle that surfs the net, a Mac that downloads books, and a PC laptop … for whatever reason. More so there are several different types of STORAGE devices that keep changing as. Transfer floppy disks to a cd or hard drive now, it'll save you some trouble in the future. We've all seen the hundreds of memory savers there are out there now like CD's, external hard drives, memory cards, flash drives/USB's, etc. They all come in different sizes and shapes and colors. Floppy disks came in a couple sizes and a few basic rainbow colors. Here is a list of the sizes you may be dealing with.

• 5.25"
• 3.5"
• 8"

Whether yours is green, red, yellow, or blue, there is hope. If you've done any research you've probably realized that it is a pain in the you-know-what to transfer floppy disks yourself, and even more likely that you've realized your computer won't read them anyhow. Technology is rapidly changing and it's hard for anyone to keep up, unless of course you are a computer major. If you have the need to transfer floppy disks, chances are you remember when computers where heavy boxes that sat on your desk at home or school and that was that. Maybe you have been keeping up the ever so changing ways of computers or maybe you haven't but either way, you need to get that information off those disks before it is gone forever. Be it vital information you can't afford to lose or some interesting documents that you want to share with the grandchildren someday, it's clearly important to you or you would not have saved it in the first place.

There are several places that transfer floppy disks. Great websites will make sure you get your disks back in a few days. Make sure you are going to a place that has fast customer service. When choosing a business to transfer floppy disks for you, be sure they've been around for a while. They'll have better knowledge, faster turnaround, more compassion, and most importantly, more experience. Transferring floppy disks can be a great thing. They will send the information back to you on a cd or hard drive of your choice that will be easily accessible. To ensure you don't risk losing the information again, download it to your computer then save the CD in a safe. Enjoy the memories you lost years ago and toss those floppies for good!

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