Technology Programming

3 Best Sites to Gain Your Daily Inspiration

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Enjoy Inspiration is a very cool and out of the box website showing each day 1 image per category. It is like having many dail inspiration sites into one nicely designer and clean website. There is everything for everyone. From web design, graphics, logo to hotels, building, photography, song of the day, quotes...

The updates come daily (including Sunday) at around 8 am GMT. The site offers an interesting solution showing big size images and the visitors can gain better experience and can connect to the website.

Interesting area is the city category which is showing 7 images per week for single city. Each week starting on Monday, there is new city.

Through the site, you can easy find random and interesting facts from all over the world. Only the last 7 days are visible on the site. This should make the visitors bookmark the site and visit it daily. At the end, you don't want to miss some nice photo, right?

There is a place in the main menu that allows the designers or photographers to submit their work. The wide range of categories gives an option for many people to sumbit their work. If the work meets the criteria, it gets published on the site with full credentials of the deisnger.

If you are fan of design / architecture / quality photo / interesting facts / learning about the world... then this site is worth checking:


One of the most visited inspirational sites. The new updates are presented as posts which contain several works inside each of them. There are at least 3 posts per day including the Daily Inspiration post which includes many images from different authors. Each image is linked to the author's website or profile. It gives an option for unlimited time for research and getting inspiration from those published images. This site is worth to be bookmark as well.


This site is a showcase of websites and even it is only limites to sites, it is really worth to be bookmarked. There are over 20 sites per day added and probably another 20 that are not meeting the basic criteria of the site, but still they are showing in pending section. If ou are web or graphic designer, this site is definitely worth saving. There is an option to sumbit your web designs and the approval period is about 24 hours.

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