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Water Power Cars - A Rant From A Motorist

Water Power Cars - A Rant From A Motorist

Who would have thought. Even the Americans are paying hand-over-fist for fuel. Has the world gone mad? I am a UK resident. I am used to paying great chunks of money for car fuel, and have done for years. So when prices hiked here, well, enough is enough. So what are we to do? Shut up and pay the rate?

Trouble is, we ARE Dependant on fuel. Not many will have the choice to simply stop using their cars. So you can imagine my delight when I heard that there are alternatives out there, some of which are available right now which claim to reduce our cars fuel consumption by as much as half. One of these methods actually uses water for fuel. Did I just say water? Yep! Water power cars is a funny concept, but it is one I think you'll really like the sound of.

The idea behind using water for fuel, which as ideas go sounds pretty crazy, but any rate - the deal is that we can replace our total dependence on fuel/gas by using a clever device which will enable your car, truck or van to burn WATER as a supplement to fuel. And thus save you money.

WATER?! Can you believe that the clear stuff we flush, pour, drink and clean with, that pure nature abundant stuff that falls from the sky (and a little too often here in the UK...) can actually fuel your car?!

Thanks to advances in technology, people with far more time than me have invented a method which allows ordinary Joe, you and me, to MODIFY our CURRENT car to run on the clear stuff. And it ain't even expensive, and nor is it overly complicated from what I've been told. So yes, you may well see water power cars on the roads soon, if not already. Sound good? Well it does to anyone without shares in the gas companies. It could save you a ton of money. Sure, you still have to use gas, but by combining it with water, you can almost cut your costs in half.

As I see it, the time has come for us folks to get wise and do something about this ridiculous fuel crisis. You don't want to wait for the government to resolve it, they darn well profit all to well from our dependency on fuel/gas. So why not turn our heavy lumps into a water power cars instead, and give our wallets a break.

Personally, my money's on using water power cars. It's time to supplement that expensive stuff with the cheap-almost-free stuff. Imagine if we all did this? We'll see, but I think already thousands are doing this. I know what I will be doing. What about you?

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