Health & Medical Mental Health

How Are Case Studies Used in Psychology?


    • Case studies provide a solid foundation for criminal profiling.hands in meeting image by timur1970 from

      Many areas of psychology related to crime employ the use of case studies. Investigative psychology, forensic psychology and criminal psychology all rely heavily on case studies to make assessments and determinations regarding crimes. In 2004, "Monitor on Psychology" reported how the use of case studies helped to create the foundation for criminal profiling along with the inception of the FBI's Behavioral Science Unit in 1974. The method of using case studies for psychological involvement in investigations included well-known serial offenders such as the Son of Sam and still holds relevance today.




    • Case studies are especially useful for analyzing psychological behaviors.bad loser image by feisty from

      A case study presented by the University of Washington demonstrates how case studies in psychology assist with analyzing and explaining behaviors. The study outlines how the creation of a case study centered on a person exhibiting certain behaviors allows psychologists to carefully examine and analyze the cause of the actions. In this particular example, teachers were able to use a case-study approach to analyze and help a student with a learning disability. Without the case-study method, psychologists in general would not have organized information to present to a group of peers for input, nor would it be possible to see all of the contributing factors. The case-study method commonly assists with behavior modification techniques through analysis of the behavior's precursors and after effects.


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