Home & Garden Personal Safety & Security

How to Make Your Own Desk Storage Bin

    • 1). Cut five pieces of mat board into 12-by-12-inch squares, or any size desired, with the craft knife on the cutting board.

    • 2). Position one square of mat board on a flat surface as the bin's base.

    • 3). Place a second square at a right angle to the base's edge as one bin side. Attach the two squares together with the hot glue gun, applying the glue slowly, one inch at a time.

    • 4). Attach the opposite bin side to the base by the same method.

    • 5). Connect one remaining side to the base with the hot glue gun at the base edge.

    • 6). Attach one side edge to an adjoining side edge by applying hot glue to the inside angle. Begin at the base and move upward slowly with the glue gun, pressing the edges in place. Repeat for the second side edge.

    • 7). Attach the final side to the box by first gluing it to the base and then the side edges with the hot glue gun to complete the storage bin.

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