Health & Medical Hair Health,Hair Loss

Hair Loss is No Fun

Loss of hair and the prospects of being completely bald some day is a fact of life for some people.
Some have complete loss of hair while still in their 20's, while others slowly loose their hair and finally appear bald in their mid 40's or 50's.
It can happen to men or women, and it has been found that genetics isn't the only reason for losing your hair.
There can be numerous reasons for hair loss, everything from stress to a vitamin deficiency.
Women often loose hair after they have a child.
When men go bald or start to have thinning hair, it is considered fairly normal and socially acceptable.
However, when women start losing their hair, or it starts thinning to the point where you can see the scalp, our society looks at them in a sorrowful way.
The reason that they are looked at in a sorrowful way, is that in this day and age a head of hair can always be had for a price.
So being in the society that we are in, it is generally associated that a woman that is balding has no money, or does not have access to good credit or resources in order to fix the hair loss problem.
Most women in our society, believe it or not, whether they have money or not, will go into extreme debt for the vanity of having a head of hair.
Losing your hair is never a fun process, be it for men or women.
Having to see less and less hair, and having to comb it over every time you look in the mirror is very depressing to anybody.
If the expense of using chemicals, getting hair transplants or surgery turns you off, check into some of the more natural techniques that are available.
You would be surprised at how many non-mainstream remedies that are available for hair loss today.

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