Internet Marketing Tips - Forum Leaches
This has been something that has been bugging me for a long time now and it's gotten to the point where I just have to get it off my chest.
I'm talking about forum leaches.
Now, you're probably wondering what I mean.
Well, I'm going to explain as best as I can.
You might call them something else, but to me, they're leaches and they really tick me off...
no pun intended.
There are essentially three types of people who attend forums as far as frequency and participation.
There is the person who is at the forum constantly, always contributing and always helping the other members.
They're active and yes, even market in the forum where appropriate.
Then there is the person who is hardly around, if ever.
They don't participate much and when they do, add very little value and probably don't do any marketing at all.
They're pretty much non entities.
But then there are the third group of people.
These are the big names in marketing.
The head honchos.
They hardly ever show up at your favorite forum UNLESS they have an agenda.
Maybe they have a new product that they're selling, either directly at the forum through a special offers section, or through their signature link to their site.
When they do show up, sure, they do offer some great thread of advice that everybody loves.
But these are the only times that they make such contributions.
The rest of the year, they're nowhere to be found.
These people, to me, are the forum leaches.
They come around only when it serves THEIR purpose.
And then they wonder why other members treat them so shabbily, in spite of their Internet status.
I really dislike forum leaches.
Where are these people the other 364 days of the year? Too busy to help the other members 99% of the time but not so busy when they have a product to push? I'm not going to name names or forums for that matter, but these people know who they are.
Yes, I'm calling you guys out.
For the rest of you, here's a novel concept.
How about going to your favorite forum on a regular basis and actually contribute to the forum? Then, maybe when you DO have a new product, people like me won't look at you like a forum leach, or whatever you other folks want to call them.
In my opinion, people like me will have a lot more respect for you.
To YOUR Success, Steven Wagenheim
I'm talking about forum leaches.
Now, you're probably wondering what I mean.
Well, I'm going to explain as best as I can.
You might call them something else, but to me, they're leaches and they really tick me off...
no pun intended.
There are essentially three types of people who attend forums as far as frequency and participation.
There is the person who is at the forum constantly, always contributing and always helping the other members.
They're active and yes, even market in the forum where appropriate.
Then there is the person who is hardly around, if ever.
They don't participate much and when they do, add very little value and probably don't do any marketing at all.
They're pretty much non entities.
But then there are the third group of people.
These are the big names in marketing.
The head honchos.
They hardly ever show up at your favorite forum UNLESS they have an agenda.
Maybe they have a new product that they're selling, either directly at the forum through a special offers section, or through their signature link to their site.
When they do show up, sure, they do offer some great thread of advice that everybody loves.
But these are the only times that they make such contributions.
The rest of the year, they're nowhere to be found.
These people, to me, are the forum leaches.
They come around only when it serves THEIR purpose.
And then they wonder why other members treat them so shabbily, in spite of their Internet status.
I really dislike forum leaches.
Where are these people the other 364 days of the year? Too busy to help the other members 99% of the time but not so busy when they have a product to push? I'm not going to name names or forums for that matter, but these people know who they are.
Yes, I'm calling you guys out.
For the rest of you, here's a novel concept.
How about going to your favorite forum on a regular basis and actually contribute to the forum? Then, maybe when you DO have a new product, people like me won't look at you like a forum leach, or whatever you other folks want to call them.
In my opinion, people like me will have a lot more respect for you.
To YOUR Success, Steven Wagenheim