Technology Networking & Internet

This Is A Make A Website How-To Article

I suspect there are many people out there trying to find a make a website how-to
source. When I decided to try out Internet marketing a few months back, I was the typical newbie in that I could really only search the web, send and receive email and use a word processor for typing up documents. That was it. I was starting from ground-zero. I guess it didn't help either that I was not young either. All that I knew about computers had been learned the hard way, not in school.

I also bet that many others did what I did to make up for this Internet knowledge deficit. I hungrily searched the Web for any scrap of insight I could find. Usually that was in the form of yet another guru's product claiming to be the end-all answer to my lack of understanding. In almost every case, the claims were false and sometimes they bordered on fraud. I got very frustrated.

Some of the products were probably okay, but only in the hands of a much more experienced computer and Internet user. I could only do so much until I ran into the ignorance wall. I didn't know how to take the next step forward without having to stop completely and try to figure out where to go for answers. You know when you don't even know what to ask, it's hard to get answers in small enough bites to understand when starting out.

I can't tell you how many times I'd be watching some web guru's product video and they would throw out terms like, "just load your new index page into your FTP client" or "just take any html editor tool and alter the source code". These were foreign words to me. It could have been just as easily understood at that point if they had been speaking in Icelandic. It was really frustrating and I was quickly getting weary. More that once the idea of quitting came into mind.

I just kept thinking, "Why is there not someone out there with a make a website how-to course?". I just knew I couldn't be alone with this dilemma. There had to be thousands of others trying to learn this stuff. It seemed like all the teaching material available had a minimum experience requirement way above mine. It even got to the point where I was getting physically worn out from all the searching and reading involved. One dead end greeted another. Then suddenly the light came on for me one day. I found a place on the Internet that had created the virtual make a website how-to course.

I was amazed to have found them finally, but even more astonished when I realized how much weight this discovery had lifted from my mind. I had gotten myself into a pretty deep funk with all the frustration of trying to learn this stuff and my self-esteem had gone along with it. Within two weeks, all that had been replaced by the fun of learning again. It was still difficult, but I was being led by the hand this time by a very patient teacher. I was actually learning to create websites and load them into my own domains on the Internet. I was actually quite proud of myself I must admit.

After months of fist-pounding frustration and having spent several hundred dollars of hard-earned cash in vain, I was finally learning how to start my Internet business from the ground up. When I made my discovery I don't mind saying that I literally looked straight up folded my hands together and mouthed the words "thank you God for leading me to this make a website how-to course, thank you so much!"

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