Health & Medical Women's Health

Constant Yeast Infection - Cure it For Good!

Have you been suffering from a yeast infection that just doesn't seem to go away? If so I have some suggestions as to why you're suffering from a constant yeast infection and how you can cure it for good.
Why do you have a constant yeast infection? There are a few reasons for this: Prescription or OTC drugs - Have you used a drug such as Monistat to treat a previous yeast infection? If so, this could be why you're suffering from a constant yeast infection.
Drugs such as Monistat have been shown to cause constant yeast infections because they create what are known as super strains of yeast.
This drug resistant yeast is very similar to the anti-biotic resistant bacteria that so any people are developing now due to an over-use of anti-biotics.
We can learn from the same mistakes by not using these drugs to treat yeast.
This super yeast is virtually invincible and will continue to wreak havoc causing constant yeast infection.
Dietary problems - If you eat sugar regularly in the form of anything from straight sugar to fruits and grains you will encourage yeast growth and allow their numbers to skyrocket out of proportion.
The best thing to do is to stop eating these foods.
This will starve out the yeast and make a significant difference in your fight against a constant yeast infection.
Genital Environment - Do you swim in chlorinated pools often? If so this would be the cause for your constant yeast infection.
As chlorine kills beneficial bacteria in your genitals this opens up the gates to yeast infections coming in and causing problems.
On top of this make sure to air open your genitals, tight clothing suffocates them and allows yeast to grow at a heightened pace.
How do you eliminate your yeast infection for good? Use natural treatments that are proven to work and provide rapid relief in sometimes only minutes!

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