Candida Loves Sugar
Candida, in case you didn't know, loves sugar.
It thrives on the stuff.
So, if you want to take some positive steps to slowing it down, or even bringing it to its knees, then you need to reduce the amount of sugar in your diet.
Some sugar foods will be obvious, such as sweets and certain breakfast cereals, some processed foods, and alcohol.
But you will also need to reduce your carbohydrate intake as all carbs are digested to sugars.
You will need to reduce fruit considerably (if not completely), although some fruits have slightly less sugar than others - apples, blackberries, and strawberries among the lower levels.
Juicing vegetables is a good idea, and in particular the dark green leafy ones.
Go for any food source with strong anti-fungal properties such as garlic, ginger, and lemon.
So, how do you know if you've got an overgrowth of Candida? Well, have you been constipated or experiencing diarrhea? Any athletes foot, or fungal infection to the nails? Craving sugar or bread is a strong indicator.
Any muscle or joint pains? Have you been feeling depressed and/or tearful.
Maybe you've been particularly sensitive to cigarette smoke or even perfume? Yes, unbelievably, all these symptoms and more can all be the result of an overgrowth of Candida.
As you can see, all these symptoms are extremely varied, and the medical profession even today may be inclined to undermine the true effects of the disease.
If you have seen your doctor, and they seem unsympathetic to your concerns, then perhaps you may consider seeking the advice of a qualified nutritionist, or complimentary health practitioner.
Even the most liberal of doctors will place you on some medication such Nystatin, but this drug carries side-effects that you would and can choose to avoid.
If you are currently taking antibiotics or steroids, then it would be a big advantage to stop taking these, as they will only perpetuate the Candida overgrowth.
Certainly, don't just stop taking these medications, but consult your doctor to discuss how you may be able to reduce your intake gradually.
When you finally click on the Candidiasis cure, you will feel much more energized and clearer in thought.
It's completely possible to achieve, although it does usually take a few weeks for the natural magic to work.
Non the less, you will learn something about your body, and about its needs, and there is a real chance that you can manage the problem highly effectively.
In comparison to simply dealing with the effect of the problem by using over-the-counter medications, it is far more rewarding and indeed much healthier.
It thrives on the stuff.
So, if you want to take some positive steps to slowing it down, or even bringing it to its knees, then you need to reduce the amount of sugar in your diet.
Some sugar foods will be obvious, such as sweets and certain breakfast cereals, some processed foods, and alcohol.
But you will also need to reduce your carbohydrate intake as all carbs are digested to sugars.
You will need to reduce fruit considerably (if not completely), although some fruits have slightly less sugar than others - apples, blackberries, and strawberries among the lower levels.
Juicing vegetables is a good idea, and in particular the dark green leafy ones.
Go for any food source with strong anti-fungal properties such as garlic, ginger, and lemon.
So, how do you know if you've got an overgrowth of Candida? Well, have you been constipated or experiencing diarrhea? Any athletes foot, or fungal infection to the nails? Craving sugar or bread is a strong indicator.
Any muscle or joint pains? Have you been feeling depressed and/or tearful.
Maybe you've been particularly sensitive to cigarette smoke or even perfume? Yes, unbelievably, all these symptoms and more can all be the result of an overgrowth of Candida.
As you can see, all these symptoms are extremely varied, and the medical profession even today may be inclined to undermine the true effects of the disease.
If you have seen your doctor, and they seem unsympathetic to your concerns, then perhaps you may consider seeking the advice of a qualified nutritionist, or complimentary health practitioner.
Even the most liberal of doctors will place you on some medication such Nystatin, but this drug carries side-effects that you would and can choose to avoid.
If you are currently taking antibiotics or steroids, then it would be a big advantage to stop taking these, as they will only perpetuate the Candida overgrowth.
Certainly, don't just stop taking these medications, but consult your doctor to discuss how you may be able to reduce your intake gradually.
When you finally click on the Candidiasis cure, you will feel much more energized and clearer in thought.
It's completely possible to achieve, although it does usually take a few weeks for the natural magic to work.
Non the less, you will learn something about your body, and about its needs, and there is a real chance that you can manage the problem highly effectively.
In comparison to simply dealing with the effect of the problem by using over-the-counter medications, it is far more rewarding and indeed much healthier.