Business & Finance Corporations

Grow a Successful PDR Business

These are what I consider to be important things when I write an article that talks about success.
The above is a measurement of success to ME, so that is the goal of this brief, but focused article.
Success in Dent Repair Ok- I'm assuming you can push dents, so technique isn't going to be mentioned here.
If you need technical assistance, see one of our other 100%2B articles.
You need them.
Retail, wholesale or a combo of each.
I recommend a combo, so you can benefit on the advantages of each.
You cant sell when you push, so if you want success, get someone to sell when you are working, that way you grow what you have.
Choose your clients, don't let them choose you.
Example- rental agencies are notorious for giving a lot of work to techs...
BUT, they also tend to pay S L O W, like 90/120/150 days and longer, and the work is usually a HANDFUL..
so why go through all the heartache? Let another tech who doesn't understand the success principals handle those deals.
Back to selling for a bit.
To grow your business, you need someone who can SELL.
And for that, you need to find someone with adequate personal looks/image, and with well above average personality.
A smile sells.
And relationship building is the key to selling.
The key to finding good people ISN'T want ads..
its being on the street and having others look for people with personality who would enjoy making money by talking with people.
And I recommend you pay your salesperson WELL.
I'm talking 1/3 of the billed receipts.
Don't be cheap.
If you get a turd, blow them out and get a new one.
But pay them, so they will stay and you can cultivate your sales people.
Once you have maxed yourself out with work, consider another tech.
Yes, this will mean more headaches, but you have to have more people if you want to maximize your time.
Remember, time is money...
you can make money, ya just cant make time, my friend.
So, the equation for growing a PDR Business is selling, and additional techs.
There's just no way around it, otherwise you will cap out.
Sure, you might be able to cap out at, lets say, 25-30k monthly, but that will probably be it unless you are pushing hail, then Ive seen people make over $100k in a month, but it isn't common.
Now get your act together and grow you business!

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