Health & Medical Heart Diseases

How to Motivate People With Heart Disease

    Learn more about disease symptoms and prevention

    • 1). Be aware of the symptoms of heart disease. These can include chest pain, weakness, fatigue, shortness of breath, dizziness, and fainting. Consider your friend's physical condition realistically before planning an activity.

    • 2). Find a support group. Sharing concerns, symptoms, and fears with people who have the same problems can be therapeutic. It also gives the sufferer a chance to discuss pain and complaints without feeling like a burden. Look for support groups that meet at least once per week. Encourage attendance at each meeting. Having a specific, scheduled activity will improve self-esteem and will increase motivation.

    • 3). Start small. Your friend may be frightened of physical activity or feel despair about getting better. Plan easy and fun activities at first and encourage involvement. The more activities your friend completes, the more motivated he will feel. Build up the length and difficulty of the planned outings gradually.

    • 4). Monitor your friend or relative for signs of serious depression. Take symptoms of depression seriously and encourage your friend to seek help.

    • 5). Try to motivate your friend to be active, but don't be pushy. According to the National Institute of Mental Health, "too many demands may increase feelings of failure." Try planning one-on-one activities that make it easy to discuss feelings.

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