Health & Medical Skin Conditions & Dermatology

Minor Skin Problems – Home Remedies for Minor Skin Problems

Sometimes due to hormonal changes, lack of proper nourishment or even due to stress, your facial skin becomes patchy-light in certain areas and dark in others. Use the following to get rid of patches as well as shadows and 'brown' spots. Although the skin is waterproof, tough, self-repairing, and self-renewing, it is still prey to minor ailments and infections. Moles, blisters, and rashes all respond to alternative therapies .Cuts and grazes are among the most common of all injuries.

Blackheads, acne and pimples

Can indeed be controlled with the help of ingredients from your kitchen. A word of caution, if your infection is mild, then these simple remedies along with a controlled diet will suffice. However for major infections it is best to take the doctor's advice too.


Tomato Juice: Normally, pimples and acne are associated with an oily skin. In case these occur on a dry skin then this is the ideal treatment. Take a few tomatoes and puree them. Freeze the puree into cubes (in an ice cube tray). Store these frozen tomato ice cubes in a bag or a container in the freezer.

Apple Juice: Take an apple, peel and grate it to extract the juice. Add one teaspoon of honey and apply on face. Dab gently on the pimples and let it dry. Apply again. Repeat this treatment at least twice a day. Your pimples will dry and the scars will vanish with regular treatment.

Garlic: Take a few pods of garlic and crush them fine. Add a few drops of honey and add some curd to make a paste. Apply gently only on the pimples. Let it dry, and then wash gently without scrubbing. Regular use helps dry the pimples faster and healing is much quicker. Be careful to use this paste only on the pimples.

Patches on the Face

Sometimes due to hormonal changes, lack of proper nourishment or even due to stress, your facial skin becomes patchy-light in certain areas and dark in others. Use the following to get rid of patches as well as shadows and 'brown' spots.


Carrot Pack: Take 2-3 carrots and grate them after peeling. Boil the grated carrots in very little water till the water dries up. Cool and mash. Apply this pack all over the face. Leave it on for 10-15 minutes; gently rub it in before rinsing off.

Banana Pack: An ideal 'food' for the face. It not only nourishes the skin but also 'magically' removes scars, dark patches and blemishes. You will notice the change even after using this once. Take a ripe banana, peel and mash to a pulp. Apply al over the face and leave it on for 10 minutes.

Sun Burn and Tan

Having a clear, glowing suntanned skin is the desire of most women. True, the rays of the sun are an essential revitaliser, they are good for the body as they help in the formation of vitamin D; however, over-exposure to the rays of the sun can also lead to many problems. It can cause sunburn, redness, sores and even blistering.


Aloe Vera: The most natural and soothing cure for sunburn and tan. Just pluck a few leaves of the plant, mash or puree them. Add the juice of one lemon. Apply this jelly like solution all over the affected areas. It cleanses, clears and nourishes the skin.

Honey and Lime: Take 2 tablespoons of honey and add to it the juice of one lime. Mix well applies over the sunburned or tanned skin areas. Helps to lighten and soothe the skin.

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