Technology Software

How to Extract WebEx Audio

    • 1). Click "Start," then "Control Panel." Click the "Sound" icon in Control Panel.

    • 2). Click the "Recording" tab. Right-click "Stereo Mix" option in the list of recording devices, then click "Enable" on the pop-up menu. Highlight the "Stereo Mix" option, then click "Set Default." Click the "OK" button to save the Sound settings and close the window.

    • 3). Click "Start" then "All Programs" then "Accessories" then "Sound Recorder."

    • 4). Launch your Web browser. Go to the WebEX site and log in to the scheduled meeting.

    • 5). Click the "Start Recording" button on the "Sound Recorder" utility bar before the WebEx audio begins. Allow Sound Recorder to record the meeting or conference audio.

    • 6). Click the "Stop Recording" after the WebEx meeting ends. After the "Save As" pop-up window appears, enter a descriptive name for the WebEx audio recording in the "Save as:" field. Click the "Save" button. Windows saves the recording as a ".WMA" audio file. You can playback the audio for the WebEx meeting in Windows Media Player or any other player that supports .WMA files.

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