Technology Networking & Internet

How to Create a Website Design With Photoshop

    • 1). Sketch a rough concept of your website design on a blank sheet of paper before you begin. Label where you want your header, logo, important links and content to appear. Make note of the color scheme you want for your background and font, and any pictures you'll need to obtain for the design.

    • 2). Create your Photoshop document. Open Adobe Photoshop. Click "File" from the top navigation menu and select "New" from the drop-down menu. In the "Name" field, type "Website Design." Type "750" in the width field and "450" in the height field. Select pixels from the drop-down menu beside the height and width measurements. Select "OK" from the top-right of the new document creation window.

    • 3). Fill in the background of your website design with your desired background color. Select the "Paint Bucket Tool" ("Shift"+"G"), and then choose your desired background color by clicking on the desired color on the color navigation window to the right of the workspace. Drag your cursor back to the image and click it once to fill in the website design background with your desired color.

    • 4). Place your logo in the website design. Click "File" from the top navigation menu, and select "Open" from the drop-down menu. Search for your logo, click on it, and then select "Open" in the lower-right of the open window. Scale your logo to the desired size. Click "Image" from the top navigation menu and select "Image Size" from the drop-down menu. Modify the height and width to the desired size and click "OK." Select the "Move Tool" ("Shift"+"V"), click your logo and drag it onto your website design document. Release the mouse button to drop the logo into the file. Move the logo to your desired location.

    • 5). Create text links for your website. Select the "Horizontal Type Tool" ("Shift"+"T") and click where you would like the link on the website design. Type your link text. Use the "Move Tool" ("Shift"+"V") to position the link text where you would like it. Repeat this step to create multiple links to multiple pages.

    • 6). Save your website design. Click "File" from the top navigation menu and select "Save As" from the drop-down menu. Type "webdesign" in the "File name" field and click "Save" to finish saving the document.

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