Home & Garden Cleaning & Laundry

How to Clean & Whiten a Linoleum Floor

    • 1). Sweep or vacuum the floor to remove any loose dirt and dust.

    • 2). Mix 4 oz. oxygen cleaner into 1 gallon of very hot tap water until all of the cleaning crystals have dissolved.

    • 3). Dip a mop into the cleaning solution and wet a 4-foot strip of linoleum along one wall of the room. Repeat until the entire area is saturated. Let it stand for 15 minutes.

    • 4). Scrub the wet area of the floor vigorously. All of the built-up residue will lift from the floor.

    • 5). Mop up the solution from the cleaned area, changing the rinse water as soon as it becomes cloudy.

    • 6). Rinse the stripped area of flooring, using a mop and clean water.

    • 7). Repeat the soaking, scrubbing and rinsing process on the rest of the linoleum floor, working in 4-foot strips so the solution doesn't dry during the process.

    • 8). Complete the job by rinsing the entire floor one more time, again changing the water frequently. Allow the floor to air dry before resuming traffic.

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