Health & Medical Pain Diseases

Back Pain - What is Your Body Telling You When it Creates Pain in Your Back?

Back pain is a warning cry.
Your body is trying to tell you that something is wrong, and it wants your help to make it stop! Your back probably was tolerant for a long, long time while you did things to aggravate it.
But there comes a time when a body says, "Enough! Stop hurting me! Let's get back on the road to recovery, already!" If you don't listen to that message, your back pain will get "louder.
" Now are you listening? There are several things you can do to begin to reduce your back pain.
  • Consider getting a professional therapeutic massage.
    Seek a massage therapist who is familiar with pain syndromes.
    Get someone who will work where the cause of your pain is, and not just rub where the symptom (the pain) is.
  • Start a stretching program to loosen areas of muscle tightness in the front of your body.
    What?! Your pain is in the back of your body? Yes, I'm sure it is.
    But the muscles in the front of your body are causing your poor back to be overstretched.
  • Improve the quality of your diet and drink lots of water.
    Bodies need nutritional support and muscles need to be well hydrated to function their best.
    If you eat lots of water-filled fruits and vegetables, that counts toward your water intake, too.
    In fact, if you eat lots of fruits and veggies, you are improving your diet already.
  • Start an exercise program to strengthen and create balance in your whole torso, especially your back side.
Your body wants to be well and feel good.
Sometimes it just needs a little "tweak" or a little help.
It needs someone to massage a tight muscle; figure out the natural, logical cause of your back pain; help you get back into balance; or point out a situation which is causing pain.
A wallet in a mans' back pocket, for instance, causes back pain because every time he sits, the wallet presses on one side of his low back.
Just on one side, so that little wallet creates a twist in his spine, over and over and over again.
Eventually his body says, "Whoa! This isn't working for me anymore!"He develops pain in his back.
How about a woman who carries a large shoulder bag? Perhaps she hikes up the shoulder she carries her bag on, over and over again.
Over time this will cause neck and back pain.
What about sitting curled up on the couch, always on the same end of the couch.
If we place ourselves in the same position repeatedly, we are creating the same stresses on our body over and over until we end up, eventually, with pain.
Let's work together to figure out ways to reduce or eliminate your back pain naturally.

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