Pets & Animal Pets Cats

How to Clean Cat Urine From Floor

    Hardwood Floors

    • 1). Remove any solid excrement with a paper towel, then blot excess moisture with more paper towels. It's important not to rub during this stage, because this action spreads the urine around.

    • 2). Mix 1 cup white vinegar with 1 qt. warm water in a bucket. Use this mixture to scrub the affected area thoroughly by dipping the scrub brush in the mix and applying it to the stain liberally.

    • 3). Rinse stain very well by pouring on warm water, and blotting the area dry with paper towels. Keep blotting repeatedly until as much of the moisture as possible is soaked up. Again, do not rub.

    • 4). Apply an enzyme cleaner like Outright Pet Odor Eliminator, Oops! or Spot Gobbler Stain Remover. Follow the directions on the bottle exactly, as each product has slightly different instructions. Most enzyme cleaners are used by spraying the affected area and blotting it with paper towels until dry.

    Carpeted Floors

    • 1). Pick up any solid excrement, and blot the wet area by pressing down with paper towels for at least 30 seconds. Continue blotting with clean paper towels until as much liquid as possible is gone. It is especially important not to rub when cleaning carpet, because this will drive the stain further into the fibers.

    • 2). Scrub the area with the white vinegar and water mix, as described in Steps 2 and 3 of cleaning hardwood floors.

    • 3). Use an enzyme cleaner as described in step 4 above. This step is not absolutely necessary on carpets, where you'll be using baking soda, and can be skipped if you're in a hurry. But the enzyme cleaner does help to remove every last bit of scent from the stain.

    • 4). Rinse the area by pouring on warm water, then apply a thick stack of paper towels. Either stand on the towels, or put something heavy on top of them for about 15 minutes, to soak up as much liquid out of the carpet as possible.

    • 5). Sprinkle the dirty area with a few tablespoons of clean, warm water, and then dust the area heavily with baking soda. Scrub thoroughly with the brush and allow to dry. During this step, rubbing is actually helpful, because you want to drive the cleaning agent deep into the carpet.

    • 6). Vacuum up the baking soda, which will have absorbed the scent of the urine. If you don't have a vacuum, use a brush to sweep the baking soda up.

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