Business & Finance Credit

How to Determine the Date You Opened a Credit Card Account

    • 1). Call the credit card company and ask a customer service representative to give you the date the account was opened. Your credit card company maintains extensive records on your account.

    • 2). Check your credit card bill if you're unable to reach a customer service representative. Depending on your credit card provider, the length of your account history and the date the account was initially opened may be included with other general account information on your monthly statement.

    • 3). Check your account online. Some major credit card companies, such as American Express and Capital One, offer customers the option to review their account information online. If your credit card company is among them, you should be able to log in, review your transaction history and determine the date you opened the account.

    • 4). Pull your credit report. Your credit card account will appear on your credit report, along with the date it was opened and your payment history for the past two years. As long as your account wasn't closed more than seven years ago, it will appear within your credit file.

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