Why Drinking Soda Can Be Dangerous
Most people are unaware of the dangers involved with ingesting soda. Many consider soda as a harmless soft drink. In this article, we'll go through some of the most common ingredients in found in soda and why they're harmful to your health.
The first ingredient and most abundant is, of course, water. The water contained in soda isn't to be considered as good source of water. The water in soda is carbonated. That means that the gas carbon dioxide is inserted directly into the water. And yes, that's the same gas which we exhale as a waste product.
Phosphoric acid another ingredient will hinder the body's capacity to use calcium. This can result in osteoporosis or softening of the bones and teeth. Phosphoric acid may also have an effect on your stomach and cause indigestion because of its neutralizing influence on the hydrochloric acid contained in the stomach. If your stomach doesn't have an acidic environment it will not be able to properly digest nutrients.
This leads to a side discussion about Tums antacids with calcium. Tums acts as a buffer to lower the acidity of your stomach. Yet your stomach naturally has an acidic environment to digest food. It seems rational that a substance that disrupts the pH of the stomach will impact the digestive functions of the stomach. How will the calcium from the Tums be absorbed after changing the pH of the stomach? It might be best to determine the cause of the indigestion and address it properly.
Back to the topic of soda!
Sugar is one of the main reasons for obesity. By consuming soda you are taking in huge amounts of sugar which is an inflammatory substance to your body. Estimations of the amount of sugar in one can of soda vary from 8-10 teaspoons.
Sugar will raise the amount of insulin within your body bringing about high blood pressure, high cholesterol, heart disease, diabetes, weight gain and premature aging. The sugar and acid found in soda are also harmful for your teeth. The sugar will lead to tooth decay while the acid can cause damage to the tooth enamel.
Aspartame, a sugar substitute, can be used in diet sodas. This ingredient may be associated with conditions such as brain tumors, birth defects, diabetes, emotional disorders and epilepsy/seizures. When stored in warm areas for long periods it will change to methanol, an alcohol that converts to formaldehyde, and formic acid. These are both recognized carcinogens.
We have an increasing trend for high energy drinks on the market. Sugar and caffeine are two of the active ingredients. With them you will get a surge of energy that will quickly wear off leaving you with the desire to have another. Caffeine is addictive!
Soda has also been connected with osteoporosis. Soda is very acidic, so when you consume it your body needs to lower its level of acidity. This is called buffering. To do this, your body uses calcium. Where does your body get the calcium from... you guessed it, the bones! Consumption of soda over extended periods can reduce the amount of calcium in the bones.
Hopefully this article would have encouraged you to make wise decisions for the sake of your health. Diet and sleep habits are the two most difficult habits to change but with information and the desire to make the change you will get there!
I want to be honest: the best thing in the world is a soda maker. When I bought my first make your own soda I made a step forward to a happier ad healthier life!
The first ingredient and most abundant is, of course, water. The water contained in soda isn't to be considered as good source of water. The water in soda is carbonated. That means that the gas carbon dioxide is inserted directly into the water. And yes, that's the same gas which we exhale as a waste product.
Phosphoric acid another ingredient will hinder the body's capacity to use calcium. This can result in osteoporosis or softening of the bones and teeth. Phosphoric acid may also have an effect on your stomach and cause indigestion because of its neutralizing influence on the hydrochloric acid contained in the stomach. If your stomach doesn't have an acidic environment it will not be able to properly digest nutrients.
This leads to a side discussion about Tums antacids with calcium. Tums acts as a buffer to lower the acidity of your stomach. Yet your stomach naturally has an acidic environment to digest food. It seems rational that a substance that disrupts the pH of the stomach will impact the digestive functions of the stomach. How will the calcium from the Tums be absorbed after changing the pH of the stomach? It might be best to determine the cause of the indigestion and address it properly.
Back to the topic of soda!
Sugar is one of the main reasons for obesity. By consuming soda you are taking in huge amounts of sugar which is an inflammatory substance to your body. Estimations of the amount of sugar in one can of soda vary from 8-10 teaspoons.
Sugar will raise the amount of insulin within your body bringing about high blood pressure, high cholesterol, heart disease, diabetes, weight gain and premature aging. The sugar and acid found in soda are also harmful for your teeth. The sugar will lead to tooth decay while the acid can cause damage to the tooth enamel.
Aspartame, a sugar substitute, can be used in diet sodas. This ingredient may be associated with conditions such as brain tumors, birth defects, diabetes, emotional disorders and epilepsy/seizures. When stored in warm areas for long periods it will change to methanol, an alcohol that converts to formaldehyde, and formic acid. These are both recognized carcinogens.
We have an increasing trend for high energy drinks on the market. Sugar and caffeine are two of the active ingredients. With them you will get a surge of energy that will quickly wear off leaving you with the desire to have another. Caffeine is addictive!
Soda has also been connected with osteoporosis. Soda is very acidic, so when you consume it your body needs to lower its level of acidity. This is called buffering. To do this, your body uses calcium. Where does your body get the calcium from... you guessed it, the bones! Consumption of soda over extended periods can reduce the amount of calcium in the bones.
Hopefully this article would have encouraged you to make wise decisions for the sake of your health. Diet and sleep habits are the two most difficult habits to change but with information and the desire to make the change you will get there!
I want to be honest: the best thing in the world is a soda maker. When I bought my first make your own soda I made a step forward to a happier ad healthier life!