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Accident Claims Helpline - Vibration White Finger

Vibration White Finger is an industrial injury caused by the excessive use of hand-held vibrating machinery such as chainsaws, pneumatic drills and power drills.
It has been recognised as an industrial disease for many years and is known to affect tens of thousands of workers.
The symptoms of Vibration White Finger include fingers turning white, a loss of manual dexterity and a lack of grip strength.
The effects can be accentuated in cold weather, and are made all the more painful when the blood returns to the fingers, causing them to turn red, and sometimes blue, accompanied by an uncomfortable throbbing.
Vibration White Finger can initially appear as a minor injury, producing symptoms such as numbness when outside in the cold weather. More severe cases of Vibration White Finger can start to occur at less extreme temperatures, when the hands get wet, or even in the summer.
If gone untreated, Vibration White Finger can affect whole fingers, and even have some permanent numbing effects.
Many people choose not to claim in fear of losing their job, this shouldn't be the case. If you have contracted this illness due to poor working conditions then you have the right to claim compensation for your injuries.
if you have contracted this illness due to the conditions in which you work then you may be eligible to claim compensation for your injuries. The compensation can help relieve any financial strain you may have from taking time of work and it can also help pay for any hospital visits or visits to your GP.

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