Network Marketing Leads - Make Money Creating Your Own Highly Motivated Leads
Generating leads for your network marketing business is absolutely paramount to being successful. You need interested people who are hungry for what you have. The more you have, the more you guarantee your success. This article will explore 4 things you need to make money creating your own highly motivated leads.
1) You need a website - Your lead generation system has to have a place where people can see your message. You don't have to build it yourself. You can purchase marketing systems that will come with pre-built websites that will handle all of your needs. The cost can be anywhere from $40 to $100. All you need is a place where people can get more information and then decide if they want to learn more. If you don't have experience writing sales letters or programming, then I suggest you find a system that allows you to leverage off the work of professionals.
2) You need a means of getting traffic to your site. There are many ways to do this. I think the best one is Article Marketing. Article Marketing is when you write on a topic that offers your target reader good information. If they found your article helpful, they may be interested in checking out your information that you link to at the end of the article. What makes article marketing so powerful is that you offer lots of value up front, and the reader can decide if they'd like to know more. Other great means of generating traffic are blogging, social bookmarking, Google advertising, and podcasting. The hardest part will just be educating yourself and then doing some work to get it right.
3) You need a way for people to opt-in. When someone visits a website and signs up for a free report or a newsletter, then they have just opted-in to get more information. When people first come to your site, they probably don't know you well enough to buy your business immediately. They need to get more information. They need to know you better over a period of time.
4) You need something of great value that your prospects can buy at a reasonable price. I personally recommend that you have ebook available that offers even more value than all your free stuff. If you buy a good system, it will come with this built in.
This may seem obvious, but, your business should make money up front. If you don't make money on your business, you can't stay in business (It's a no brainer). You need to make money up front, while you're building up your residual. If you don't have any income, you can't afford to stay in business.
In summary, you need a lead generation system that creates an inbound group of highly interested, motivated prospects. As these prospects educate themselves, they receive valuable information from you. Some will naturally want to become your customers. This means that you market your business only to highly interested people who are hungry and motivated to get results.
1) You need a website - Your lead generation system has to have a place where people can see your message. You don't have to build it yourself. You can purchase marketing systems that will come with pre-built websites that will handle all of your needs. The cost can be anywhere from $40 to $100. All you need is a place where people can get more information and then decide if they want to learn more. If you don't have experience writing sales letters or programming, then I suggest you find a system that allows you to leverage off the work of professionals.
2) You need a means of getting traffic to your site. There are many ways to do this. I think the best one is Article Marketing. Article Marketing is when you write on a topic that offers your target reader good information. If they found your article helpful, they may be interested in checking out your information that you link to at the end of the article. What makes article marketing so powerful is that you offer lots of value up front, and the reader can decide if they'd like to know more. Other great means of generating traffic are blogging, social bookmarking, Google advertising, and podcasting. The hardest part will just be educating yourself and then doing some work to get it right.
3) You need a way for people to opt-in. When someone visits a website and signs up for a free report or a newsletter, then they have just opted-in to get more information. When people first come to your site, they probably don't know you well enough to buy your business immediately. They need to get more information. They need to know you better over a period of time.
4) You need something of great value that your prospects can buy at a reasonable price. I personally recommend that you have ebook available that offers even more value than all your free stuff. If you buy a good system, it will come with this built in.
This may seem obvious, but, your business should make money up front. If you don't make money on your business, you can't stay in business (It's a no brainer). You need to make money up front, while you're building up your residual. If you don't have any income, you can't afford to stay in business.
In summary, you need a lead generation system that creates an inbound group of highly interested, motivated prospects. As these prospects educate themselves, they receive valuable information from you. Some will naturally want to become your customers. This means that you market your business only to highly interested people who are hungry and motivated to get results.