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How To Use Mini Pepper Spray Devices

The self-defense weapons of choice for most women today are miniature pepper spray canisters which they can carry around with them at all times. These devices are usually disguised so that they appear as regular perfume or lipstick tubes and canisters. Thanks to this, they can provide the owner discreet protection as well as a great element of surprise against an attacker. There are many different formulas that popular brands have developed and are manufacturing and some will even contain certain extra features that others dont. For example, some formulas by Mace can include invisible UV dye which can be used to mark an assailant so that he can be identified much easier once captured by the police.

How Does Pepper Spray Work?

Powerful pepper spray formulas come in many different aerosol canisters. When referring to miniature canisters, these will usually be disguised as a normal household item. Most of the time these devices will also be small enough to be worn as a key-chain which means that they are light and portable enough for you to always have a bottle of disguised pepper spray with you. But how exactly do they work and what effects to they cause to another persons body? Let us explain!

The main task of these powerful formulas that contains some of the finest pepper grains in the world is to irritate the skin and turn a ones body against itself by triggering some basic reflexes. Once sprayed in the eyes, pepper spray will cause a lot of pain and swell the mucous membranes of the respiratory tract. This can cause extensive coughing and chocking as well lead to a lot of panic and stress, especially if this someones first contact with such a chemical weapon. Of course, these formulas are not lethal nor do they leave any lasting damage, but a lot of people will be under these major effects for up to 30 minutes. The mucous membranes behind the eyes will also be forced to swell and this will cause the eyes to shut down. This strong cocktail of pain and disability is powerful self-defense method that will work on just about any attacker as long as you are able to land a good shot into their face, preferably the eyes.

Since using a pepper spray canister can be a bit tricky it is a good idea to get some experience by practicing first. Getting a few canisters of pepper spray to practice on a dummy isn't too expensive and it wont be harmful to anyone. An alternative solution is to enroll in a street safety and self-defense course and this is something we highly recommend! These coursed are meant not just to teach you some safety tricks and martial arts, but also to help you learn how to effectively use pepper spray in dangerous situations. The most important thing is to learn how to quickly access your device and how to use it before the attacker can get close enough to physically assault you. This takes a lot of practice, so you better be ready and willing to learn!

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