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Tips On - How Can I Get Back Together With My Ex Girlfriend?

If you have just split with your ex, you might be wondering "how can I get back together with my ex girlfriend?"

It's quite easy to slip into a depressed state at this stage. You might find yourself hiding away, crying and feeling sorry for yourself. Worse still, you might even be considering ringing your ex and begging for another chance. Well don't!

Surprisingly, what you really need to do to give yourself the best chance of getting back together with your ex, is in many cases, the opposite of your natural instincts.

Step 1 -- Work to try to make it a clean break.

Don't try deluding your self into thinking that it's just a set back and that you will get a call begging you to come back. Accept that you've split and that you need to change things to have a chance of knowing "how can I get back together with my ex girlfriend?"

By all means show that you are upset at the split, but be seen to be doing your best to move on and make a clean break. This will give your ex time to reflect on the good points in your relationship instead of being hounded by you and reminded of why she wanted to split in the first place.

The clean break will help reduce the stress and tension involved in a break-up which allows your ex to look back at your relationship in a more balanced way.

Step 2 -- Don't try to contact her at this time.

Let her see that you are trying to get on with your life and make her consider whether she has done the right thing. If she has any doubts about her decision at all, she will soon start missing you as she run things through in her mind.

This can be the best time for her to realize how important you are to her. Don't forget, this is almost certainly a very emotional and stressful time for your ex too.

Step 3 -- Start making plans for the get together.

After a little time without any contact, you will need to start planning for a get together. Look for a reason to meet your ex without the expectation that you are trying to reason with her. You might need to meet to collect some personal belongings or return something to your ex.

Your meeting will need to be on a friendly level with a view to finding out how your ex is getting on and try to establish if there is any chance of you getting back together permanently; not by asking her, but you should be able to establish if your ex has been missing you.

Step 4 -- The get together with your ex.

Try to have a brief get together without going over all of the problems. Just be yourself and let her see what attracted her to you in the first place. Don't make any moves!

"How can I get back together with my ex girlfriend?" is not a simple question to answer and the steps above are not the entire solution on their own. You will need to have a clear plan and be patient.

If there is any chance at all of reconciliation, the steps you take now to get help will either make or break it. Patience and perseverance usually pay off at the end of the day for those that practice at them.

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