Travel & Places Air Travel

Airline Pet Carrier Requirements

    Accompanied Pets in the Passenger Cabin

    • Some airlines allow small pets to travel in the cabin in approved carriers.dachshund in suitcase image by J. Nunnelly from

      Each airline has an individual policy that may or may not accept pets in the cabin. A typical set of rules allows one pet per flight or only a small number of confined pets to ride in the cabin on certain flights. Each airline has rules based on the type, weight and height of the pet; size and type of carrier; and where in the cabin the pet can ride. Most size regulations are based on the type of plane most often used by an individual airline. Some airlines will change pet weight and crate size information based on differing types of planes in service. Passengers changing planes but keeping within the same airline should check the weight and size requirements for each separate leg of the flight.

      Typical accepted types of carriers are soft-sided pet carriers with a waterproof bottom or plastic hard-sided carriers. Pets in carriers are considered carry-on baggage and must fit securely under the seat in front of you. Pets must be approved and ticketed in order to accompany you.

    Unaccompanied Pets in Cargo

    Pet-Only Airlines

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