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Catholic Arts and Crafts Ideas on God's Creation

    Creation Collage

    • Have the children go through magazines and cut out pictures depicting parts of God's creation. These pictures can include people, food, nature, animals and more. The children should chose pictures they feel reflect God's creation. For example, one child may see a picture of a hamburger as God's creation because God made the cows and the grain used to make the hamburger. However, another child may choose to only cut out pictures of items in their more natural state, such as a picture of a cow. Either is okay because they each reflect the Catholic Church's more open interpretation of creation. Once each child has a solid collection of pictures, have the kids make a collage by gluing the pictures together on a piece of construction paper. The children can cut and glue the pictures together like a puzzle or have the pictures overlap each other.

    God Made Me Book

    • Each child will make a book all about how God made them unique. The Catholic Church does believe that God is the creator of man, so God designed everything that makes humans unique. Each page will focus on a different physical feature. The teacher can make templates for the books, and then the children just have to fill in each page and staple all the pages together. For example, one page might say, "God made my eyes." Then on that page, the children can draw a pictures of their eyes, and write what color their eyes are.

    Natural Bracelet

    • This craft is ideal for younger children. For each child, tear off a strip of masking tape and create a circle with the sticky side facing out. Slip the tape over the child's wrist. Once each child has a tape bracelet, take them on a nature walk. While walking encourage the children to pick up small things that were created by God, such as twigs, leaves, small flowers and stones. As the children collect items, they should stick the items to their tape bracelet until all the sticky areas are covered.

    Creation Wall Mural

    • Cover an area of a wall with white paper. Explain to the children that they are going to paint a mural showing God's creation of the world. Either have the children work together to decide how the mural will be painted, or assign each child a section of the mural to paint. Once finished, leave the mural on the wall as long as possible to showcase the students' work and to remind them of God's creation.

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