Health & Medical Hair Health,Hair Loss

All About Hair Loss, Alopecia And Alopecia Areata

Discovering you have a bald spot on the top of your head could really shock you if you didn't know or understand what type of condition it is.
This may leave you in a bit of a shocking situation looking for answering right away.
Just knowing that you are not alone with this problem may help you overcome some of your fears and questions right away.
This specific disease is called Alopecia and it affects millions of people every day.
This particular disease called Alopecia affects the hair growth in your scalp and other places.
Generally this type of hair loss is a cause of great concern to those affected, since hair is considered as a part of the total personal image.
Alopecia can occur in everyone, especially so in children and teenagers.
It can also occur in old age as well.
The probability is equally split among adult men and women.
Alopecia usually occurs on your head, though it is also seen on the beard in men and eye lashes, and eye brow in women.
Alopecia can create serious emotional and psychological stress among those affected women.
A spot of Alopecia can create social embarrassment to a woman who is affected very badly.
Though there are different types of Alopecia, most of them are non contagious and are usually related to those reasons which are not disease specific.
Alopecia Areata is one form of hair loss that is more disturbing socially than anything.
This type of hair loss will likely result in people whose family also suffers from other autoimmune diseases such as thyroid disease or rheumatoid arthritis.
The hardest part about the affects of Alopecia Areata is not knowing what will happen next.
Some people experience full re-growth of their hair while others continue to loose patches here and there.
Not knowing what will happen next and if you will continue to experience hair loss is one of the hardest things to overcome.
If the hair does grow back there is a small chance that it may come in white and then slowly go back to your original color or it may just grow back in your original hair color.
While some people never experience hair loss again others may continue to see bare patches on their scalp.
For young teenagers or adults learning how to cope with this form of hair loss is one of the toughest challenges.
Reading about the disease and understanding what is happening is one of the best things you can do to help you recover.
Knowing that this disease will not make you sick physically and does not shorten your lifespan should make you very happy and once you overcome the emotional aspects of your hair loss you will be well on your way to regaining your self confidence.
Learning to talk to others that have the same condition as you will help you overcome any fear or questions you may have about the disease.

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