Home & Garden Architecture

How to Repair Chips in Dupont Laminate Flooring

    • 1). Select a laminate repair putty the matches your DuPont flooring's color. This repair putty can be found at most home-improvement and hardware stores. Tell an employee you are attempting to match a DuPont laminate, and select the matching color from available swatches.

    • 2). Sand the damaged areas with fine-grit sandpaper to get rid of splinters or rough edges. Take care not to apply too much pressure, or you may further chip or crack the flooring.

    • 3). Sweep or vacuum over the chipped area(s) to remove dirt and sanding debris, then clean the chipped areas with a non-solvent cleaner and a clean rag. Non-solvent cleaners will not cloud or dull the laminate.

    • 4). Spread an amount of laminate repair putty equal to the size of the chip over the damaged area, using a putty knife. Scrape away excess with the knife, and smooth the area. Allow the repaired area to dry, following the putty manufacturer's drying instructions.

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