Signs & Symptoms of Depression in Adolescents
- While adults often feel sad when depressed, adolescents are more likely to feel irritable. Mood swings can sometimes occur, though persistent mood swings are usually a sign of bipolar disorder.
- Adolescents often describe that they have pain that has no medical cause. This pain might be psychological. Frequently, depressed teenagers have headaches.
- Depressed teenagers often get angry or cry when criticized.
- Adolescents do not necessarily stop socializing when depressed, but socialization is reduced. Depressed teenagers will often show less interest in activities they once loved.
- Adolescents who are depressed appear unhealthy. They are often tired, sleep deprived and overweight or underweight. Depressed teenagers might abuse substances and are more likely to take risks with their lives.
- Depressed teenagers show apathy and sometimes suicidal tendencies when depressed. They will likely have negative attitudes towards themselves and express feelings of worthlessness.