Food Ideas for Fast & Easy Weight Loss
- Skipping breakfast can lead to overeating later on, so making sure you are consuming enough calories in the morning is a must for weight loss. Also, breakfast helps stabilize blood sugar, preventing cravings throughout the day. Examples of good breakfasts include frozen fruit smoothies (use frozen unsweetened berries and water or skim milk), scrambled egg whites with greens, and low-sugar cereal with soy milk or skim milk. Avoid drinking fruit juice with your coffee, since even the unsweetened kind contains too much sugar. Instead, eat a piece of fruit with breakfast.
- Keep the portions small and make sure you consume a mix of proteins, carbs and healthy (unsaturated) fats. Try to balance out grains with vegetables. If you eat a cup of rice, you also need to eat a cup of veggies. In the end, you'll find yourself more full and less likely to overdo it on the carbs. Instead of creamy sauces or mayonnaise, get used to flavoring your food with spices, hot sauce and Cajun seasonings. Not only will you get tons of flavor without the calories, but hot foods also have an effect on metabolism, helping you burn more calories throughout the day.
As much as possible, avoid white foods and instead choose the darker version of the same item, which is likely to contain more fiber and less sugar. Examples include brown rice, whole wheat bread and oatmeal instead of sugary cereals. Going with the non-meat option is another way to save calories. Vegetarian chili is lower in fat than traditional chili (heavy on lard) and a veggie burger contains a lot less calories and fat than a traditional one. - If you're the kind of person who snacks when stressed or sad, keeping healthy snacks around will ensure that you never overdo it when it comes to calories. Low-fat yogurt, a handful of nuts or a few crackers with low-fat cheese are all good snacks. Space out snacks in between meals to help you get through to your next meal without feeling starved (which always leads to overeating). Avoid snacking on liquids, like a glass of juice or a shake, as this is often not filling enough.