Health & Medical Addiction & Recovery

How to Quit Smoking Cigarettes

Every smoker has at least once considered or is still wandering how to quit smoking cigarettes because everyone understands that this habit is not healthy and costs quite some extra money.
You might be shocked but it doesn't require any pills or patches to quit smoking as those are usually barely helping as cure and should be treated more like medicaments for reducing withdrawal symptoms.
What kills this addictive habit is simply will power of human mind that resists any programming from tobacco advertisements.
While it may sound easy this isn't quite simple in practice and only people with strong character manage to get rid of this unhealthy habit on their own without help of others.
Most just try to find easy solutions like zyban pills or nicotine patchesthat will work as magic solution but unless solid contrariety for programming is found there is no way such pills can help as long term solution.
Years of programming cool lifestyle by advertisers and on the other hand quite weak attempts of health industry to show how to quit smoking cigarettes via medicaments that rarely work are making billions for tobacco companies and medicament providers as this cycle of finding cure using various weak cures is continuing infinitely and just increasing profits for both.
In fact nicotine that majority are pointing at as major reason for addictiveness is not the main component that causes it so in reality all those medicaments are fighting only partial cause of smoking addiction.
To clear out mind from garbage that advertisers have planted in brain for so long time requires quite effective methodic and there are quite many that even include hypnosis and neuro linguistic programming for those who are hopelessly slaved by advertisers.
But many of them lack complete solution for painful cravings and withdrawals that usually cause failure for most who try to quit smoking.

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