Home & Garden Cleaning & Laundry

The Dangers of Mr. Clean Magic Erasers

    Skin Burns

    • Mr. Clean Magic Eraser has caused skin burns due to "mechanical abrasion." This happened when a child who was cleaning walls with the product decided to try it on his own skin. Mr. Clean eraser is made of melamine foam which is microporous material that acts like a fine sandpaper. The child literally sanded away skin cells causing the burns. It was assumed at first that this was a chemical burn but an investigation proved otherwise.


    • The name of the actual material that makes up the Mr. Clean Magic Eraser is called formaldehyde-melamine-sodium bisulfite. This type of sodium has been mistaken for formaldehyde which is a dangerous chemical. Mr. Clean eraser does not contain formaldehyde.


    • You can have too much of a good thing with Mr. Clean Erasers as it slowly wears away the finish on a item that is cleaned repeatedly with the product. Over time it "sands" away the paint and finish. While it is an excellent product, use it sparingly on items with delicate finishes.

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