Insurance Auto Insurance & Registration

Auto Insurance in the United States

Missouri auto insurance requirements are quite explicit.
Automobile Insurance of some kind is required for all drivers and this proof of insurance must be shown at time of car registration or renewing the car license.
Even with this requirement and the stringent efforts of the police to enforce it, there are many uninsured drivers in the state.
Records show that drivers are uninsured for many reasons.
It may be financial hardship, physical hardships or just plain not wanting to comply with the system.
In any case, car insurance should immediately be paid after the necessities of life such as rent and food.
Anyone who is in an automobile accident that is not his fault needs to have the assurance that all costs will be covered.
If an accident is caused by the uninsured they will not have any coverage at all.
Unlike most states, Missouri allows a car owner to obtain a surety bond, deposit of money certificate or some other security in a minimum amount of $60,000.
They may also file a real estate bond with the Department of Revenue and obtain a self-insurance identification card.
If stopped by the police this card or an insurance company card must be shown.
Basic requirements of insurance are $25,000 for each injured person, $10,000 for property damage and $50,000 maximum for each accident.
When taking out this insurance drivers are encouraged to raise these amounts.
Uninsured or underinsured motorist coverage is also required from insured drivers.
This adds more cost to their insurance premium.
Unlike most other states, commercial, fleet and rental vehicles are not required to report their insurance status.
Out of five million registered vehicles, only 3.
9 percent report their insurance coverage to the state.
While most, to prevent liabilities, do have insurance, the information is simply not passed on.
Investigation has shown that the insurance companies are not reliable in reporting data on the people they insure.
In addition, forms are sent to registered drivers to check their insurance status.
They are only required to sign and fill in a form.
Checking these returned forms found that 12 percent did not relate true information.
When a driver is found to not have Missouri Automobile Insurance, and it is a first offence, it only costs them $20.
00 to reinstate.
This is the lowest fine in the majority of the United States.
It would seem that this is one reason many do not see why pay for insurance and will go for years without it before being caught.

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