How to Deal With Nicotine Withdrawal Effects Effectively in Order to Stop Smoking Completely
This article will give you idea how to deal with nicotine withdrawal effects so you can reach the ultimate goal which is stop smoking completely.
For those who are still in the process of quitting, stay in there.
As the time goes by, you will feel better and better.
Your option now is to leave your old habit completely.
I know some people who have a tradition every morning after they do the cleaning job, they take a smoke break.
It is sort of a reward for doing a good job.
Now leave it, change your habit into something more positive such as doing more cleaning at your house or reading.
A character that a quitter should have is to stay strong during all those cravings and urges.
This is true especially during the first week.
However, after passing that first week, you will feel much better.
Some people say to get past the 3 weeks mark to be safe.
You can take that for your goal.
However, we are really never safe from the nicodemon (nicotine demon).
Use the power of your family and groups to always back you up and motivate you stay quit.
All you have to do is to fight the urges.
It is a great feeling when can resist a bad urge, it will also add commitment to your quit.
I remember how glad I was to resist the next time we have a desire to smoke.
With quitting, it's important to acknowledge the good changes in your life and not always dwell on the pain.
Again, it will get easier to do that with the passing of time.
It is normal for those who are in the process of quitting have worry in the back of your mind that "something" is going to slip you up.
You are afraid you won't be prepared.
All you can do is hope and pray that you will be ready to face that desire.
Being worried is actually a common feeling when dealing with addictions.
It results from the anxiety and fear that is created through withdrawal.
However, you have to be careful not to sabotage your quit to be rid of the tension of this feeling.
In another word, "I am going to smoke because I feel that I am going to do so anyway, so rather than sitting around waiting for it to happen I will do it now".
Don't do that, this is one of those times when you must not trust your feelings.
Just walk through it, get support from your beloved or group.
For those who are still in the process of quitting, stay in there.
As the time goes by, you will feel better and better.
Your option now is to leave your old habit completely.
I know some people who have a tradition every morning after they do the cleaning job, they take a smoke break.
It is sort of a reward for doing a good job.
Now leave it, change your habit into something more positive such as doing more cleaning at your house or reading.
A character that a quitter should have is to stay strong during all those cravings and urges.
This is true especially during the first week.
However, after passing that first week, you will feel much better.
Some people say to get past the 3 weeks mark to be safe.
You can take that for your goal.
However, we are really never safe from the nicodemon (nicotine demon).
Use the power of your family and groups to always back you up and motivate you stay quit.
All you have to do is to fight the urges.
It is a great feeling when can resist a bad urge, it will also add commitment to your quit.
I remember how glad I was to resist the next time we have a desire to smoke.
With quitting, it's important to acknowledge the good changes in your life and not always dwell on the pain.
Again, it will get easier to do that with the passing of time.
It is normal for those who are in the process of quitting have worry in the back of your mind that "something" is going to slip you up.
You are afraid you won't be prepared.
All you can do is hope and pray that you will be ready to face that desire.
Being worried is actually a common feeling when dealing with addictions.
It results from the anxiety and fear that is created through withdrawal.
However, you have to be careful not to sabotage your quit to be rid of the tension of this feeling.
In another word, "I am going to smoke because I feel that I am going to do so anyway, so rather than sitting around waiting for it to happen I will do it now".
Don't do that, this is one of those times when you must not trust your feelings.
Just walk through it, get support from your beloved or group.